Servizio NetNews - Secondo Avviso - why?
(troppo vecchio per rispondere)
Andrzej P. Wozniak
2010-11-25 23:47:46 UTC
What's the problem with the message below?

Dear NetNews user,

We remember that you can confirm and update your data
to the NetNews Service following this link:


The users that have an invalid e-mail account will be deleted
from our databases without warning.

X-Privat may delete the accounts not used for more than six
months, according with the general A.U.P linked below:


In every moment you can delete your news account logging
in the reserved area ("Manage Account") of the Home page.

Best Regards,

X-Privat Team - http://www.x-privat.org

Anyone willing to explain?
Andrzej P. Woźniak ***@pochta.onet.pl (swap z<->h in address)
David W. Hodgins
2010-11-26 00:06:41 UTC
Post by Andrzej P. Wozniak
What's the problem with the message below?
We remember that you can confirm and update your data
My understanding, is that they want you go go the the website,
and update your account information (address, etc.). If you
don't, I gather the account will be deleted.

I'm guessing, though. I updated my info, and got a confirmation

Regards, Dave Hodgins
Change nomail.afraid.org to ody.ca to reply by email.
(nomail.afraid.org has been set up specifically for
use in usenet. Feel free to use it yourself.)
Andrzej P. Wozniak
2010-11-26 00:20:45 UTC
On Thu, 25 Nov 2010 18:47:46 -0500, Andrzej P. Wozniak
Post by Andrzej P. Wozniak
What's the problem with the message below?
We remember that you can confirm and update your data
My understanding, is that they want you go go the the website,
and update your account information (address, etc.). If you
don't, I gather the account will be deleted.
I'm guessing, though. I updated my info, and got a confirmation
I'm afraid you are wrong. I updated my profile just after the first warning
I had got. Now I have quoted the second warning I've got today. I think
there is something wrong with users database.
Andrzej P. Woźniak ***@pochta.onet.pl (swap z<->h in address)
2010-11-26 09:40:12 UTC
Post by Andrzej P. Wozniak
What's the problem with the message below?
I received this message, too, but I don't understand what I'm asked to
do and what could happen otherwise. I have a valid email address with

Please, let me know.

P.S.: The first advice was filtered by gmail as spam, and I think I
receiveid this one just because I told gmail that the first one was not
2010-11-29 13:37:42 UTC
Post by pietro.b
Post by Andrzej P. Wozniak
What's the problem with the message below?
[english below]

Anch'io ho ricevuto questo messaggio, ma non capisco cosa dovrei fare e
cosa potrebbe accadere se no lo facessi. Il mio indirizzo su gmail è

Fatemi sapere, per favore.

P.S.: Il primo messaggio è stato filtrato da gmail come span e penso di
aver ricevuto il secondo solo perchè ho segnalato a gmail che il primo
non era spam.

[english version]
Post by pietro.b
I received this message, too, but I don't understand what I'm asked
to do and what could happen otherwise. I have a valid email address
with gmail.
Please, let me know.
P.S.: The first advice was filtered by gmail as spam, and I think I
receiveid this one just because I told gmail that the first one was
not spam.