How to log in ?
(troppo vecchio per rispondere)
2010-12-02 02:57:20 UTC
I just have access to X-privat. When I enter for web mail , I used the same
UserId and password given to me - entered into this http;//mail.x-privat.org
log in form, but not accepting me .
What UserID do I have to use ?

2010-12-02 05:25:16 UTC
Stavo sgranocchiando il mio tronketto di legno, quando Gyokono mi ha
Post by Gyokono
What UserID do I have to use ?
the webmail in only for the account that have x-privat.org or x-
planet.org domain, not others..
Ciao, Dmitry
2010-12-02 20:10:24 UTC
Post by Dmitry
Stavo sgranocchiando il mio tronketto di legno, quando Gyokono mi ha
Post by Gyokono
What UserID do I have to use ?
the webmail in only for the account that have x-privat.org or x-
planet.org domain, not others..
Ciao, Dmitry
Thanks for the reply, Dmitry.

So no domain of either is assigned for the free accounts since I tried and
failed logging in with ***@x-privat.org and ***@x-planet.org and my password
when I created with my email account ***@yahoo.com and my email name becomes
my User ID.

"" For the authentication to SMTP, you must insert the UserID and your password.
Remember that userId must include the name of the domain (@x-privat.org or
@x-planet.org) ""
